Correx® Box Assembly Instructions and Videos

To assemble your Glassjacks (glassware boxes/stacking storage boxes) please follow our glassware box assembly instructions below.

Step 1

Place on your work surface with the side that has the heaviest creases facing upwards.

flat box

Step 2

Work on one end at a time. Bend up the side ends.

bend box flap up

Step 3

Bring together both the box sides and the box ends together.

join box sides

Step 4

Fit a handle into both the holes/handle lugs on the sides of box.

handle attached to box

Step 5

Lower the handle into the end of the box. Ensure all the box end pieces fit/clip under the handle.

clipped box and lowered handle

Step 6

Clip in handle. This requires lifting the handle through the hole. Repeat for the opposite end.

plastic clipped into handle hole

Step 7

Assembly of the internal dividers. Slot the width pieces into the length pieces.

half assembled divider

Step 8

Internal dividers assembly complete.

fully assembled divider

Step 9

Fit the internal dividers into the box.

divider fitted into box

Correx Lid Assembly Instructions and Videos

Glassjacks supply two types of lids reference Lid-02 and Lid-03. Lid-02 is a cut sheet of fluted plastic which does not require assembly. Please follow Steps 10 to 15 in order to assemble Lid-03. All our glass storage boxes and stacking storage boxes are the same length and width and therefore both our lids (Lid-02 and Lid-03) will fit all Glassjacks, glass storage containers and wine glass storage containers.

Step 1

Place on your work surface with the heaviest creases facing upwards.

Step 2

Work on one end at a time. Bend up the side ends.

Step 3

Bring together both of the lid sides.

Step 4

Bend over lid end.

Step 5

Clip in the end flap.

Step 6

Fit lid.